Mission Statement
A school community that has wellbeing and achievement at its core, encouraging students to fearlessly embrace opportunities, form meaningful relationships and become productive members of our local community and beyond.
At Aspire Academy our vision is that all pupils become engaged in learning, see learning as fun, relevant and have high aspirations for their future. We believe that young people should be given the opportunities to experience a range of subjects and interests both inside the classroom and through a wide range of extra-curricular activities and experiences. We want all pupils to see themselves as learners, to enjoy attending school and to move forward into future education with positive attitudes and high aspirations.
Approaches to Curriculum
Individual learning programmes – EHCP Outcomes – individual targets (reading, writing, maths) Access to full curriculum – Thematic learning – pupil engagement - High expectations High quality of teaching and learning – range of learning styles-active learning Extra curricular opportunities – sports clubs-choir-child centred curriculum clubs
- English - Reading/writing
- Mathematics
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Art
- DT
- PE
- Religious Studies
- Careers
- Computing
- Music
- Regular curriculum trips and workshops
- Science week
- World Book Day
- School Choir
- School sports teams and matches
- After school sports clubs
- Weekly curriculum enrichment club for all pupils
- Mental Health Awareness week
- Forest schools
- Children’s university
- Lunchtime socialisation and indoor club
- School Council
- The Dog Mentor
- Bike ability course
Pastoral Support
- Daily award letter to parents
- Weekly certificates
- Class credit points
- Personalised reward charts
- Reward trip
- Restorative justice meetings
- Daily golden time
- Individual behaviour targets
- Mental Health and well-being co-ordinator
- Basketball
- Football
- Cricket
- Badminton
- tag rugby
- netball
- gymnastics
- rounder’s
- Inter school tournaments
- School football team
Curriculum Breakdown Aspire Academy 2020-2021
Subject/activity Hours per week Compulsory/ voluntary Comments English 6 C Daily; includes daily reading time, phonics/spag lessons, spellings Maths 5 C Daily includes lessons and early morning work Science 1 C Practical and real-life focus to engage learners. Science week additional in spring term. May be taught as a block of work rather than weekly Computing 1 C Discrete teaching of computing skills, opportunities also for computing in all other subjects, online safety. May be taught as a block of work rather than weekly Geography/History 1 C Subjects rotated on a half termly basis.
Includes school visits, interactive workshops and experience days.
May be taught as a block of work rather than weeklyRE 45 minutes C Taught through half termly topic days focusing on key religions, Christian festivals also taught throughout the year PSHE 1 hour 15 minutes C Personal, Social & Health Education. Includes discrete lessons and regular opportunities for discussion when needs arise.
May include assemblies/workshops from outside organisations eg NSPCC.
May be taught as a block of work rather than weekly.
This included daily discussions relating to individual behaviour targets and credit systemsArt and Design Technology 1 C Subjects rotated on a half termly basis.
May be taught as a block of work rather than weeklyPhysical Education 45 minutes C Weekly PE lesson taught by a specialist PE coach. Each class has one terms swimming lessons per year.
After school opportunities for sports clubs and football training. Inter school sports competitionsMusic 45 minutes C Music lessons taught following Charanga scheme of work. May be taught as a block of work rather than weekly.
Weekly school choir optionalCurriculum Enrichment Clubs 1 C Pupils to be a curriculum club to attend in a area that interest them or they have a skill in Golden time 2 hours 30 minutes C Daily golden time/reward. Pupils choose own activity from those provided and have the opportunity to socially interact with different staff and pupils across the school Total - 28 Lessons -
Curriculum Subject Breakdown
Download details of the curriculum scheme of works below:
- Art progression Map 2021-2022
- Computing Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- DT Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- English Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- Geography Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- History Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- Maths Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- Music Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- PE Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- PSHE Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- RE Scheme of Work 2021-2022
- Science Scheme of Work 2021-2022