girl and boy shorter


PE Curriculum Intent

At Aspire Academy we believe that teaching of PE skills are essential not only to develop and maintain pupils' health and well being but also to develop their skills of sportsmanship, perseverance and teamwork. 

We deliver high quality PE lessons taught by a specialist PE teacher carefully planned out during the year to ensure a variety of skills and knowledge is taught.

At Aspire  physical education is not just delivered through PE lessons but also by the many extra curricular activities that are on offer at Aspire and through encouraging physical activity throughout the day including playtimes and golden time. 

PE Curriculum Implementation

Weekly PE lessons at Aspire are taught by a specialist PE teacher and  provide challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including: games, ball skills, outdoor learning and adventure, dance and gymnastics. 

The 2 year long term plan ensures the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met whilst providing a variety of skills and knowledge to be taught. Short term plans are adapted for the needs of learners focusing on their age and level of skill. They provide clear progression within each unit of work and across year groups. 

All pupils receive at least one term of swimming lessons per year. These are taught at the local swimming pool by qualified teachers. 

Our extra curricular sports offer is very strong with two weekly after school clubs focusing on football training and alternating multi sports. All pupils are encouraged to attend and the sports choices are varied to meet a range of interests. We have an Aspire Football team who participate in the South London Special League and play matches against local mainstream primary schools as well as other special schools. We participate in Bexley Primary school sports tournaments throughout the year including handball, athletics, swimming gala and cricket. All opportunities are exploited for pupils to develop their skills of sportsmanship and teamwork. 

PE lessons and sporting opportunities are evidenced through class and whole school google slides showcasing the pupils achievements and skills developed. 

Participation in extra curricular clubs and experiences are recorded for individual children  through children’s university hours.

Each year we hold a whole school Sports day where pupils can participate in a variety of events. This includes skills based activities as well as competitive races. 

At playtimes and golden times pupils are encouraged to participate in physical activities and our outdoor environment has been carefully planned out to include these opportunities. Our outdoor equipment includes: a climbing frame, swing, two trampolines, trim trail, outdoor gym, monkey bars and actival. Pupils also have access to bikes, scooters and other equipment such as skipping ropes, balls and hoops. Team games such as football are equally encouraged and carefully monitored by staff to ensure rules are followed and skills of team work and sportsmanship evident. 

PE Curriculum Impact

The impact of our PE curriculum is measured in a variety of ways: development of pupils PE skills through lesson assessments, listening to child-led discussion,using images/videos of children’s practical learning, talking to pupils across the school about their learning,and monitoring of evidence slides throughout the year. The impact of development of skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship can also be seen in our behaviour data and pupils SEMH skills. 

By teaching PE skills and knowledge at Aspire we hope children will: 

  • Be motivated to participate in a variety of sports both during lesson time and extracurricular opportunities 
  • Want to develop their own skills and areas of interest to improve their physical and mental health throughout their lives 
  • Begin to take responsibility for their own health and fitness and be able to talk about this 
  • Be able to swim at least 25m and know how to be safe around water 
  • Understand the importance of teamwork and fair play and follow the rules of games accordingly