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Maths Curriculum Intent

At Aspire our intent is to develop our pupils’ ability to reason mathematically, problem solve and develop fluency and understanding in each strand of the maths curriculum. We intend to deliver an ambitious curriculum that provides pupils with opportunities to participate in creative and engaging lessons, allowing them to explore maths in depth and use mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings. We encourage pupils to apply the Aspire values in maths lessons. We want pupils to develop resilience, perseverance and the courage to take risks. We want pupils to develop a love for maths and believe in themselves as mathematicians. To achieve our intent, we provide a progressive curriculum which caters for the needs of all pupils and entitles them to the same quality of learning opportunities in order to reach their potential. We want our pupils to be able to use concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to help them become fluent in the fundamentals of maths and develop their independence. We also intend for our pupils to develop their mathematical reasoning skills and understand that maths underpins much of our daily lives. 

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Maths Curriculum Implementation

To ensure National Curriculum coverage, the school uses White Rose Maths. This is a whole-school primary maths scheme of work that creates continuity and progression in the teaching of maths. Teachers do not follow the scheme in a linear way, but instead decide which units to teach based on gaps in pupils’ knowledge identified from assessment data. Maths lessons take place daily. Lessons include opportunities for pupils to explore concepts through use of modelling, concrete manipulatives, visual representations and discussions of key vocabulary.  Lessons will also include opportunities for pupils to develop both fluency and problem-solving skills. Teachers use assessment within the lesson to differentiate independent activities and direct support to wherever it is required. Pupils who have shown deeper understanding will be given opportunities to apply their skills in extension activities. There are opportunities for all pupils to complete challenges in a variety of ways: through extensions in lessons, interactive challenge activities on the maths working walls, and assignments on Mathletics. Teachers will deliver ‘Experience Days’ on at least two occasions within a particular unit. Experience Days are designed to help pupils understand how their learning relates to real-life. They are practical, investigative, engaging and fun! Pupils do not write in their books, but instead take part in an activity which helps them to deepen their understanding of their maths learning. Pupils are further supported to develop a love of maths through our ongoing celebration of their work: colourful and eye-catching corridor displays showcase practical work and investigations; classroom working walls support pupils with their current learning by displaying key mathematical vocabulary, questions to encourage mathematical thinking and modelled examples of key methods; and certificates are awarded in celebration assemblies for achievements in maths learning. Pupils are assessed on a termly basis. Pupil progress meetings are then held to identify pupils who have not made the expected progress and targeted interventions are then put in place.


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Maths Curriculum Impact

Maths lessons are structured and well-resourced, and pupils are supported to persevere on the journey to finding the answers to a range of question types. Pupils develop their confidence and are keen to attempt a range of increasingly complex problems. Pupils increase their knowledge of mathematical vocabulary and develop their ability to reason verbally, pictorially and in written form. Pupils develop their ability to make connections between maths units. Through understanding how their maths learning relates to real-life situations, enjoyment and motivation is increased. Pupils show pride in their work and a high standard of presentation is evident. As a result of our ambitious maths curriculum and our consistent delivery of exceptional maths teaching, pupils at Aspire will learn more and remember more. We expect our pupils to make at least one year’s academic progress per school year from their starting point. All pupils are expected to achieve or exceed this expectation.

Maths Scheme of Work & Progression of Skills

Aspire Calculation Policy