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School Information

At Aspire Academy... 

  • We CONNECT before we CORRECT, 
  • We stay CURIOUS not FURIOUS, 
  • We understand behaviour is COMMUNICATION. 
  • We believe in CO-REGULATION, so that pupils learn to SELF-REGULATE from the adults in their lives. 
  • We EMPATHISE when someone is having a wobble, 
  • We believe that good RELATIONSHIPS build RESILIENCE. 
  • Resilience means that ... We SEE you, We HEAR you, We ARE WITH you.

 At Aspire we understand that our pupils often have complex needs and can present with their own challenges.

However, we also know that our school will provide the stability, consistency and care which will allow them to develop and thrive in a safe environment. Our staff recognise the difficulties that our pupils are facing and will act with compassion and understanding in their interactions with them. Staff always aim to build good relationships with pupils so that they understand their needs and are able to support learning and behaviour to maximise potential and achievements.

The ethos of our school actively encourages all members to make the correct choices and to take ownership and responsibility for their behaviour. Trauma Informed Practice, Restorative justice, emotional coaching and positive praise are at the heart of our practice.

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At Aspire Academy, ‘The ASPIRE way’ has been adopted to provide a consistent approach towards positive behaviour across the school. It also forms the basis of our ‘Gateway Curriculum’.

A brief summary of ‘the Aspire way’’ is given below:

  • Achievement - To do your best and work hard to achieve success in all areas of school life
  • Synergy - To work as a team, collaborate and care for all members of our school community
  • Perseverance - To be assertive, positive and have the determination to face challenges
  • Independence - To have the skills and confidence in your own ability to learn and grow
  • Responsibility - To take ownership of our learning and our behaviours and be a responsible citizen
  • Equality - To embrace difference and ensure everyone is treated fairly regardless of our differences


 At Aspire, we aim to work in partnership with our parents, as we know that as parents you know and understand your child best. It is only by working together that we can really bring about lasting changes that will enable the pupils to be successful in school and in the future.