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School Information

At Aspire we feel it is important that our children have a say in the decisions we make about our school. Often it’s the children who are in the best place to tell us how we can improve their experience in school.

Our school council is made up of a representative from each class. To decide on their representative each class holds an election where children can nominate themselves or each other for the role and all nominees get to say why they feel they would be a good school councillor. The class then votes for their favourite candidate.

The school council meets throughout the year. The members of the council canvas the views of their classmates on various issues throughout the year.

Our school council helps make decisions about lots of things, including:

  • Golden Time Activities
  • School Trip Ideas
  • Rewards
  • Charities to support
  • Playground Activities and Equipment
  • Curriculum Club Choices
  • After School Activities
  • Pupil Views Questionnaires

We also consult with our school council on issues that arise in school and ask for their help.

School Council members are very important, they are given a badge to wear and their photographs are on display in the school.