Boy and pond

Boy and pond

School Information


Children's Councils At Aspire


At Aspire we believe that every child has a voice and a right to be heard. We feel it is important that our children have a say in the decisions we make about our school. Often it’s the children who are in the best place to tell us how we can improve their experience in school. We also know that our children all have different interests and can be really passionate about different areas of school life and their place in their community and the world around them. We want our children to grow up to be responsible citizens who believe that they can make a difference.

All children are invited to belong to one of our children’s council. We have 9 councils and children choose where their passion lies. 

Each council has designed their own badge and written a council charter. Regular meetings are set during the year for children and staff to work together to action the children's ideas.

Click on a badge to see what the council have been up to: