At Aspire we strive to ensure pupils are active throughout the day by providing many opportunities for physical fitness and sport. This includes an outside gym, climbing frame and an activall multi-sensory reaction board.
All pupils receive a weekly PE lesson taught by a specialist PE teacher from ‘All for sport’ PE company. Topics rotate throughout the year and include gym, dance, outdoor and adventure learning , athletics and games.
Pupils are able to attend two weekly after school clubs run by sports coach Leanne Michell. These are focused on football skills and other multi-skills. Aspire pupils actively participate in the Bexley School events programme attending many different sporting competitions and events throughout the year with other schools in Bexley. We also have an Aspire football team.
All key stage 2 pupils receive at least one terms swimming each academic year at Crook Log sports centre.
Dowload the Primary PE and Sports Premium Action Plans here