What is the pupil premium?

The Pupil Premium provides additional funding on top of the main funding a school receives. It is targeted at pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to ensure they benefit from the same opportunities as pupils from less deprived families. 

The premium goes to students who are currently on Free School Meals (FSM) or have been registered for (FSM) in the past six years. Pupils in care, who have been looked after by local authorities for more than six months also continue to qualify for the Pupil Premium as do children of Service Personnel.

How many pupils at Aspire are eligible for the Pupil Premium?

Currently, for 2024 - 25  81% of pupils at Aspire are eligible for the Pupil Premium. 

How will the impact of the spending of the Pupil Premium be measured?

At Aspire, we monitor pupil attainment and progress on a termly basis. Within our data analysis for reading, writing and maths , we track and report individually on pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. Headline data is reported to governors and the trust termly.

Pupil Premium funding and spending- Academic Year 2024-25

No. of eligible pupils 52

Total £48,840 


How is Pupil Premium funding spent to improve outcomes for children?

Aspire Academy uses the pupil premium grant to ensure that those pupils entitled to Pupil Premium make progress in line with their peers.  In particular it is used to support any individual targets on their education and health care plan and to provide extra support to narrow gaps in attainment and progress.  These gaps often occur as a result of absence in education (prior to starting at Aspire Academy), additional learning and SEMH needs.  We also use the pupil premium grant to expose children to activities that they may not encounter, such as enrichment opportunities and cultural trips. Ongoing  analysis of our data enables us to continue to broaden the curriculum and the use of interventions for students in receipt of PPG to include  targeted literacy interventions, targeted numeracy interventions, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy  and therapeutic support for the academic year 2023-24.  In this way we hope to diminish the gap attainment/progress between PPG and non-PPG students, and forecast that the impact of the therapeutic curriculum will continue to eradicate barriers to learning in 2024-25

Pupil premium grant is also used to enrich and develop the cultural capital of every pupil at Aspire Academy throughout their school experience. This includes trips to the theatre, curriculum workshops, PGL residential, Aspire football team and experiences such at the Young Voice concert at the O2 Arena.

Aspire pupil premium document 2024-25