Aspire Academy Bexley’s Blended Learning Offer
Aspire Academy Bexley is a very small special school catering for children with emotional, social or behavioural difficulties. Aspire was inspected by OFSTED in July 2015 and was graded as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas of the inspection. Aspire promotes inclusion in the widest sense.
Following the first National Lockdown in March 2020 we conducted a parent survey to assess and analyse how we can best support and educate our children remotely going forward. 90% of our parents provided feedback which reflects outstanding parent/school partnership. Of these, 97% of our parents accessed the work packs provided and found this form of learning a positive experience. 83% accessed the online learning/support platform in the form of google classroom and 75% accessed the virtual lessons via google meets. In addition we ascertained that 2.5% of our families have no internet access (which equates to 1 pupil) and 8% of families do not have sufficient devices (which equates to 3 pupils). In light of this information we have made provisions that should we need to implement home learning for a period of time, the identified pupils will be provided with the necessary equipment (chrome books/i-pads) to access online learning so they are not disadvantaged.
Additionally, we have used this information, the views of our parents and our commitment to provide an outstanding educational and therapeutic offer to create a bespoke blended learning offer to meet the educational and therapeutic needs of every child at Aspire.
Our Offer
In line with our Federation’s Interim Attendance & Safeguarding Addendum (Covid-19) policy Jan 2021, Aspire developed a blended learning offer for all of its pupils. A clear and consistent timetable has been constructed and communicated to all families. It consists of online interactions with the students in the form of Google Meets (video conferencing) and Google Classroom (on-line chat rooms). Additionally regular welfare checks by a variety of staff, including but not limited to, our teachers, SENCO, Leadership team and Pastoral support coordinator will be made to ensure there is continued communication and support available during these unprecedented times. Any safeguarding concerns will be actioned accordingly.
Considering the social and emotional needs of our students, it is vital that our students continue to experiences academic success during periods of home learning.
To facilitate this we will prove each student with workbooks/work packs with teachers and support staff available daily to answer questions, give feedback, scaffold and support learning.
To support the wellbeing of our pupils and families we have dedicated each Wednesday to promoting wellbeing and transferable skills. Wellbeing Wednesday is all about thinking creatively, being artistic, building resilience, problem solving and having fun through our practical curriculum based thematic day. All of the learning and creativity that takes place is uploaded to google classroom and also shared on Friday during our whole school celebration assembly.
Additionally we will continue to offer our students bespoke virtual therapy/intervention sessions. We understand that many of our students join Aspire because they have complex needs including high levels of social and emotional needs and the added pressures of having to self-isolate or having to make significant changes to their usual daily routine can add additional pressures on their wellbeing.
Our virtual therapy/intervention sessions are designed to help our students continue to develop their knowledge and understanding skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future. Dog therapy, Speech and Language therapy, play therapy and counselling are just a few examples of our outstanding therapeutic offer available to our students.
On-line Learning Timetable
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30am - 9am Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing 9am - 9.30am Teacher/TA Meeting Teacher/TA Meeting Teacher/TA Meeting Teacher/TA Meeting Teacher/TA Meeting 9.30am - 12pm Google Classroom Google Classroom Well-being Wednesday Google Classroom Google Classroom 10am - 11am Google Meet Google Meet Well-being Wednesday Google Meet Google Meet AM Welfare check (phone calls/ targeted emails) Welfare check (phone calls/ targeted emails) Welfare check (phone calls/ targeted emails) Welfare check (phone calls/ targeted emails) Welfare check (phone calls/ targeted emails) 12pm - 1pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1pm - 2pm Google Classroom Google Classroom Well-being Wednesday Google Classroom Google Classroom 2pm - 3pm PPA PPA PPA PPA PPA 3pm - 3.30pm Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief -
On-line Speech and language Therapeutic Offer – Therapy Class 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30am - 9am Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing 9am - 9.30am Professionals meeting A.O & D.W Professionals meeting A.O & D.W Professionals meeting A.O & D.B Professionals meeting A.O & A.G Professionals meeting A.O & A.G 9.30am - 10am Social Skills Social Skills OT/ /fine motor skills Speech & Language Speech & Language 10.15am - 10.45am Social Skills Social Skills OT/ /fine motor skills Speech & Language Speech & Language 11am - 11.30am Social Skills Social Skills OT/ /fine motor skills Speech & Language Speech & Language 11.30am-12pm Social Skills Social Skills OT/ /fine motor skills Speech & Language Speech & Language 12pm - 1pm Lunch Lunch Lunch
A.O & D.W languageLunch Lunch 1pm - 1.30pm Social Skills Social Skills Language Speech & Language Speech & Language 1.30pm - 2pm Social Skills Social Skills Language Speech & Language PPA 2pm - 3pm PPA PPA PPA PPA Team Meeting with Emma. H 3pm - 3.30pm Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief -
On-line Speech and language Therapeutic Offer – Therapy Class 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30am - 9am Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing Morning Briefing 9am - 9.30am Professionals meeting S.T & J.W Professionals meeting S.T & J.W Professionals meeting S.T & J.W Professionals meeting S.T & E.H Professionals meeting S.T & E.H 9.30am - 10am Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Talk Therapy Talk Therapy 10.15am - 10.45am Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Talk Therapy Talk Therapy 11am - 11.30am Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Talk Therapy Talk Therapy 11.30am-12pm Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Talk Therapy Talk Therapy 12pm - 1pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1pm - 1.30pm Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Talk Therapy Talk Therapy 1.30pm - 2pm Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Dog Therapy (Well-being) Talk Therapy PPA 2pm - 3pm PPA PPA PPA PPA Team Meeting 3pm - 3.30pm Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief Daily De-Brief